Marine environments are diverse and complex, and they greatly shape the ecology and biology of our oceans. They are an immense source of energy, and home of the largest biodiversity in the world. Mapping local biodiversity and habitat presence is key to understand the fine-scale ecological processes. Are two dimensions enough to describe all of this?

This is how the union of two distinct words has come together with a common purpose: Sea, ‘the expanse of marine water surrounding Earth’s surface’ and Metria from the Greek ‘the process of measuring’.

Through cutting-edge 3D technologies, our goal is to document and analyse the dynamic changes that shape different marine habitats. We are committed to expand the scientific knowledge and public awareness of the underwater heritage by building long-term records that will help us to identify and measure variations in habitat composition and biodiversity.


We believe that 3D technologies could give an in-depth view of the underwater realm. For this reason, we implement tools that consider more than two dimensions, and are capable to acquire, analyze and simulate complex three-dimensional processes. Nevertheless, we love to engage and share this complexity in new dimensions and contexts.


Photogrammetry is a technique to retrieve three-dimensional data from images. We collect thousands of pictures to scan each tiny detail of the environment in conjunction with measures and coordinates. Using complex algorithms, we are able to create true-scale, georeferenced models, ready to be analysed or enjoyed on VR headsets. Photogrammetry represents the foundation of our methodology and the baseline for complex analysis.

A draft alignmnet of the images acquired to scan an Antipathella fiordensis.


3D models contain an enormous amount of information, sitting there just waiting to be explored. We use sophisticated software to analyse shapes, areas, volumes, and train AI algorithms to learn from the environment. Acquired 3D models are also great tools to understand how things changes. We employ procedurals tools to re-create complex habitats and biodiversity, to run simulations and virtual experiments.

An example of a procedural model with procedural materials realized to model polyps in computer graphic.

Virtual Reality

Sharing what we see and learn underwater is a crucial part of our mission. Virtual Reality is the perfect tool to revise our data in new shapes, imaging past and future underwater scenarios, looking at things at different scales, embodying marine life or exploring unvisited environments. By employing game engines, we aim to create VR experiences to engage and share with others what we like the most: being underwater.

A finalized 3D model of a sponge wall, ready to be imported and explored in VR.


Matteo Collina

Matteo is a PhD candidate in Museum and Heritage studies at Victoria University of Wellington. He is a passionate technical and cave diver, and a trained scientific diver with research experience as photogrammetrist and 3D specialist in the field of underwater cultural heritage and scientific documentation. Matteo’s main works include the realisation of several 3D models and survey of underwater archaeological sites and other international biological monitoring programs. Currently, he is working on a research project that, developing collaborative processes among scientists, designers, and museums, aims to understand how VR experiences should be designed to engage the public on underwater heritage protection.

Miriam Pierotti

Miriam is a PhD candidate in Marine Biology at Victoria University of Wellington and passionate diver with extensive experience in scientific diving. Her research focuses on understanding how climate change and other human-caused stressors impact marine species' ecology and biology. Currently, she is working on a research project to enhance knowledge about an endangered black coral species in the South Island of New Zealand. She believes that involving communities and stakeholders in scientific research is crucial for implementing new conservation measures. As a researcher, she aims to contribute to the preservation of marine biodiversity and make scientific initiatives accessible to the general public.